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Gloves Off
It’s time to draw the line in the sand. The devil is on attack and he will not let up until you and your family are destroyed. As men of God we cannot risk another moment fighting this spiritual fight with natural means. It’s not about politics or who is running for…
For the Record
I know you haven’t forgotten. The pain is too fresh for it to fade to the back of your memory. In fact, that same pain may be present as you read this. Life’s pressures just don’t seem to let up. Almost as if they alternate to ensure that any given day you…
It’s Time
It’s time to do better. It’s time to lay aside our differences and find a way to reconcile between one another. Time to stop letting people use religion as a tool to divide instead of unite. As Christians, we have to reach forgiveness a lot quicker towards those who have wronged us…
Here and Now
There is no other living like living for Christ. Often times we are reminded of the good days to come. The land paved with streets of gold where there is no more pain, crying, or sorrow. A land where we will be reunited with loved ones who have passed away. For most…
Always Providing
God’s supply is unlimited and largely untapped. He has the ability to provide every need in the world with one requirement…you must first believe in Him. It is a lack of faith that prevents us from tapping into God’s provision for our life. We experience lack and want it immediately rectified in…
These chains
I want to be free. I’ve been living with these chains on me for as long as I can remember. They were first placed on me by my parents telling me what I can and cannot be. The labels my teachers placed on me made the chains tighter. I’ve tried everything in…
Always do it
This is a friendly reminder…love conquers all. As hard as it may be sometimes paying evil back with evil always results in death for all parties involved. The operating force behind revenge is the pride of life. When we elevate ourselves above being abel to be offended we open ourselves up to…
We’re surrounded by the world’s proud. Their tongue is far from tame. Cursing freely when they want to on any occasion. They profess boldly their love for the same sex and challenge any spiritual beliefs that say otherwise. On social media they post images, statuses, and videos of what they believe in…
One Word
Lets keep it simple… Are you a righteous man? If you answer ‘yes’ than this scripture applies to you. Meaning God will never let you fall. Period. There really is nothing more to it. If you believe God’s word to be true AND you are a righteous man, the only thing left…
Never Know
People will ever know the amount of prayers that go up on their behalf. Doesn’t matter if they believe in the power of God or not…they cannot stop the power of God from moving on their behalf. I was made aware of this fact when one of my co-workers announced she was…
Nobody Is Greater
God doesn’t play about His relationship with you. He takes it very seriously and when He set out to do the work of the Father he didn’t let any relationship get in the way. He expects you and has empowered you to do the same. There is a point in time in…
He Can’t Do It
Simply put…God cannot lie. He is not like man indoctrinated with the impossibilities of life and doubt that stems from the flesh. He created all, is above all, and has full control of all. Ever since I got saved I thought of it as God won’t lie. That the act of lying…