Devotionals for Faith

It’s Time

It’s time to do better. It’s time to lay aside our differences and find a way to reconcile between one another. Time to stop letting people use religion as a tool to divide instead of unite. As Christians, we have to reach forgiveness a lot quicker towards those who have wronged us. Letting go of the…

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Always Providing

God’s supply is unlimited and largely untapped. He has the ability to provide every need in the world with one requirement…you must first believe in Him. It is a lack of faith that prevents us from tapping into God’s provision for our life. We experience lack and want it immediately rectified in our timing. I have…

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One Word

Lets keep it simple… Are you a righteous man? If you answer ‘yes’ than this scripture applies to you. Meaning God will never let you fall. Period. There really is nothing more to it. If you believe God’s word to be true AND you are a righteous man, the only thing left to do is walk…

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There’s More

You ain’t seen nothing yet. What God has prepared for you has yet to be revealed. You’ve just seen a teaser. The main event is on the horizon. It’s gonna take faith, however. I’m here to tell you that God is requiring a greater level of faith in action than you have ever released. He wants…

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Fraudulent Faith

I am proud to be a work in progress. I take pride in understanding that God is still developing my faith and character. Recently God has been dealing with me in the area of faith and obedience. Allow me to be transparent when I say I feel like I’ve been a Faith Fraud. I realized that…

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Man Will

One thing is for sure about man…he will fail you. From best friends to family to pastors, at some point what you expect from man will be totally different from what you get. Get used to it. But moreso, get used to Christ never failing you. Sometimes we can take the delays of God and look…

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Frustrated Faith

Your trust needs to lie in God alone. It’s the safest, most secure place to put it. When you trust, or place faith, in people or material gains it gives the enemy a point of attack. Gives him access to place doubt and fear in your spirit. In fact, that’s where I’ve found the source of…

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Don’t know about you but these devotionals been checking my inner man severely lately. In this scripture King Asa lost hope in God and looked to man for a victory only God could provide. Asa was a great king that saw many victories in the Lord, but in this instance he simply chose man over God.…

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Storm Sleepers

Did you see how Jesus was responding in the midst of the “unbearable” storm? Our Savior was sleep! Man I wish I could be that cool, calm, and collected during the storms of my life. But I find myself similar to the disciples pulling on God for help and deliverance from my storm. Lacking the faith…

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Did you know the term “do not be afraid” or “fear not” appears in the bible approximately 365 times? Yup, that’s a scripture a day for overcoming fear. Fear is one of the devil’s favorite tools to rob you of the promise God has in store. Instead of being mighty men of God…we fear what people…

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