“I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.”
~ Philippians 1:20 NIV
We’re surrounded by the world’s proud.
Their tongue is far from tame. Cursing freely when they want to on any occasion.
They profess boldly their love for the same sex and challenge any spiritual beliefs that say otherwise.
On social media they post images, statuses, and videos of what they believe in be it political, professional, or personal.
There is no confusing where they stand, how they live, and what they believe. The simply know no reserve.
The live so loud that I don’t have to hear their words to know what they’re about. Just observing their life provides more than enough information.
This reality challenges me daily. Begging the question…I’m I living just as loud if not louder for Christ?
Am I openly professing the name of Jesus everywhere?
Can anybody browse my social media profile and feel the love of Christ?
Do people have to wonder whether or not I am a believer, or can they clearly tell by how I live my life and treat others?
Prayerfully the answer is ‘yes’ to them all. God has been too good to us for anybody to sit silently in a world that lives loudly.
It’s time to step out of our comfort zone for Christ. Stop worrying about offending someone’s beliefs with the truth…give them the truth in love.
Stop worrying about opportunities you may lose out on if you openly claim your Christianity…you don’t need those types of opportunities anyway.
It is time to turn up the volume on our faith walk and love for Jesus. The world needs to know there is a better way. The world needs to know Jesus.
It it won’t be accomplished silently.
Let’s pray…
“Father you are the one and only God. You saved me when I wasn’t worth saving. You loved me when I was flat out unlovable. You cared for me when I didn’t care about anybody other than myself. You have been so good to me that I will not live another day as a mute Christian. Increase my boldness Father that I can profess your works and love in my life loudly. Let my life be the most easily read Bible the lost encounter. So that in all that I amass and accomplish it would all bring glory to your name. That I will be given a platform to profess your name loudly among many man so they can see just how powerful you are. It’s time to make sure the world knows about my Savior. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.”
Be Encouraged
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