Never Know

“Never stop praying.”

~ Thessalonians 5:17 NIV

People will ever know the amount of prayers that go up on their behalf.

Doesn’t matter if they believe in the power of God or not…they cannot stop the power of God from moving on their behalf.

I was made aware of this fact when one of my co-workers announced she was pregnant.

A few months later I realized I couldn’t see a bump in her belly. Without second thought I began to pray on her behalf. Rebuking any potential of a miscarriage and speaking life into her stomach and her body.

A couple months later, her baby bump was evident.

She will never know that I prayed for her…but God does.

She may never give God the credit for her baby…but I will.

And I’ll keep doing it. I’ll keep praying for every single person God places on my heart. Male, female, believer or not..nothing should ever stop a righteous man from praying.

Today I’d like to encourage you to walk in the power of prayer towards all the people you encounter. You don’t have to know their name or their situation, when God places it on your heart to pray do so.

Only prayer can change this nation and heal the hurt that is ingrained in our hearts through generations of hatred. It is only by the power of prayer that can bring about permanent change for all men.

So open your heart and don’t allow yourself to get so busy throughout the day that you dismiss the discernment to pray for others.

They will have no clue about all the protection they receive on behalf of prayer. They may even give glory to man or some other power of nature.

But you will always know the truth. That our God is actively listening and working on behalf of everyone He loves. That one day they will come into the light of truth and realize that it was no power or goodness of their own that brought them this far.

It was all God.

Let’s pray…

“Father I speak life over every co-worker, stranger I pass on the street, friends, associates, and family members. I commit to pray for any and everyone whom you put on my heart Lord. It doesn’t matter if I know them or if they have wronged me in the past, I will pray for them. The devil will not prevail. As long as there is breath in my body I will release the power of prayer freely with great expectation of change. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.”

Be Encouraged

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