Devotionals for His will

It’s Time

It’s time to do better. It’s time to lay aside our differences and find a way to reconcile between one another. Time to stop letting people use religion as a tool to divide instead of unite. As Christians, we have to reach forgiveness a lot quicker towards those who have wronged us. Letting go of the…

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Nehemiah was on divine assignment to rebuild to walls of Jerusalem. This was a huge task that Nehemiah planned out carefully. As the opposition saw the great work Nehemiah was accomplishing they did the only thing they knew best…hate. However, as the scripture states, Nehemiah stayed focused on the task at hand and did not entertain…

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The Master’s Plan

How many times have you formulated the “perfect” plan, ironed out all the details, and right when it was time to execute… God puts a halt to it. This used to frustrate me until I realized this blocking God was doing was to make way for His will and not mine. You see brothers, just as…

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