Daily Death
“Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.”
~ Luke 9:23-24 NIV
What does taking up your cross daily look like? For some it may be staying out of the club. Others it may be abstaining from sex. Maybe for you it’s controlling your anger on your job or with your spouse and loved ones.
Taking up your cross, to me, simply means putting what you want to do aside, and allowing God to guide your actions. Putting your flesh secondary to the primary goal of letting the love of Christ shine through you.
Brothers, lets focus on dying a bit more everyday. Holding our tongue a bit longer. Taking one weekend and staying home. Praying in your office before you start working. Showing love to someone who doesn’t “deserve” it.
It doesn’t have to be major…small, consistent acts of death to the flesh daily is all He requires.
Lets pray…
“Father thank you for the great example of death to the flesh. As we strive to be more like you, we know we must do the same. Help us acknowledge what dying daily looks like in our personal lives. Once revealed, give us the courage to act it out. Lord every day let us die more to the world to become closer to you. Amen.”
Be Encouraged
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