A man takes his child to an all-purpose, convenient store and tells his son he can have whatever he likes.
After a few minutes his son meets him at the registers with a long brown bag and rests it on the counter.
The cashier looks wide eyed at the bag prompting the father to peek inside. The father looks and with disappointment he removes…
…a gun.
“What? You said anything”, the son replied confused.
Clearly the child in this story was lacking one thing…
Being in tune with the heart of his father.
Had he known his father’s heart, he would have understood his father’s intent on offering him anything. Even more, he would not have abused the freedom afforded to him by trying to appease his own desires.
Brothers, our Heavenly Father expects the same out of us. He expects us to grow so close to him that our desires in life become the same as what he desires for us to have.
So that we do not ask out of selfish ambition, but out knowing what good things our Father wants to give to us freely.
Then we will experience the true joy of receiving whatever we ask.
Lets pray…
“Father you are so good. You give freely to those who love you and live according to your word. Help us to have a continual hunger to draw closer to you daily Lord. Reveal to us your heart, so that we can take it as our own. Thank you for every answering every prayer Lord…Amen”